June 2024

Howdy Ranelights.

Halfway through June and we'll STILL waiting for the %^&$ weather to sort itself out. But one shouldn't complain as the current temperatures are perfect for running.. and consequently racing, with the final race this month being the.....

🏆 Ranelagh Harriers Richmond 10k | Sunday 23rd June @ 9am: FINAL WEEK to sign up for a place in our popular road 10k. Hosted by ourselves and featuring a fast & fun route around the quiet roads of Ham and the Thames towpath, come & join 500+ other runners of all levels & abilities. Featuring the best marshals ever (if we do say so ourselves), don't delay or you might miss out.

We've got stacks planned for everyone, from start right to the finish, including a variety of prizes to reward performances at all levels, a pre-race flat-lay challenge (win a bottle of wine!), celebration stickers, FREE beer, plus coffee & ice cream to buy. Friends and families (& picnic blankets!) are very much welcome, to stay and soak up the club vibe & atmosphere. There's even a handy playground for the young, and the young-at-heart, to enjoy.

Full event details & entry @ https://ranelagh-harriers.co.uk/events/ranelagh-harriers-richmond-10k/ 👈


There'll be another post soon about our July fixtures but in the meantime, please find the following important announcements:

💙 VOLUNTEER FOR THE RANELAGH 10K: A HUGE thank you to everyone who has been in touch to volunteer for the 10k. We're nearly there with the volunteering rota but there are a few gaps that we're hoping to fill. We need a few more marshals to cover the Ham area (closer to Ham Parade) so if you can spare a couple of hours on Sunday 23 June from 8.45am, PLEASE email coordinator@ranelagh-harriers.co.uk.

👟 THE RANELAGH BIG KIT SWAP: Don't forget that we'll be hosting our first ever KIT SWAP event on Tuesday 18 June at the clubhouse. Please come along after training (8pm onwards). The idea is to bring and perhaps swap your pre-loved kit (either trainers or clothing) so we can find it a new home, and in the process help save our planet a wee bit. Swapping is the name of the game, so there's NO BUYING OR SELLING; simply giving or receiving 🥰 Please only bring clean, usable kit that is in reasonable condition. For obvious reasons, we cannot accept any rubbish or unusable kits. Anything left at the end will be recycled or given to charity. Any questions, please contact Rick Jenner.

📢 RANELAGH AGM 16 July: Please note that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Ranelagh Clubhouse at 20:30 on Tuesday 16th July. There are several actions that the AGM will deal with:

  1. Review annual reports from the President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Men’s Captain, and Women’s Captain.

  2. Review from the Honorary Treasurer the audited balance sheet and annual accounts for the prior financial year.

  3. Elect officers of the Committee for the ensuing year.

  4. Elect any members recommended by the Committee for the status of Life Member or Vice President.

  5. Elect the auditor for the ensuing year.

  6. Consider any amendment to the Constitution and Rule Book (RanelaghHarriers.Constitution.2023 v5 final.pdf) as proposed by the Committee, including changes to subscription rates.

  7. Consider any changes to Trustees as proposed by the Committee.

  8. Recognise any meritorious behaviour performed on behalf of the Club in the previous year (or years), granting whatever award or recognition that the President sees fit.

Any proposed updates to the Constitution and Rule Book should be sent to the Club Sec 28 days before the AGM (i.e. by 18 June) who will review the proposals. The current version is at RanelaghHarriers.Constitution.2023-v5-final.pdf and any reasonable proposed changes will be reviewed by 25 June. The proposed Constitution and Rule Book will be circulated 14 days before the AGM, by 2 July 2024.

Any questions, please email ranelagh.hon.secretary@gmail.com

Ed & his team have a small request to make:

Hi all, if you ran the 10k on Sunday could you spare a moment to give us a review on Racecheck? (Preferably over 4.75 😉) If we get 20 more reviews over that then we’ll get a Racecheck Gold Award which is massively helpful for the reputation of the race, especially for those not in clubs!

Thank you: https://racecheck.com/races/ranelagh-harriers-richmond-10k/review/ 👈

Wednesday 3rd July @ 7pm

🏃‍♀️ Wimbledon Trail Series Race 3

The final race in our (other) Race Director Andy Bickerstaff’s very popular Wednesday evening summer trail series, this year’s marking the 10th edition.

This final race is a 2 lap course approximately 8 miles long through scenic Wimbledon Common. The start is at the iconic windmill and offers a traffic free route. Large free car park at the start. Each finisher receives what is undeniably the ugliest design ever seen on a mug, chocolate bar and fruit.

There are series and individual medals/prizes and team prizes (you must wear a club vest). All entrants must be 17 or over. Full event details & entry @ https://www.goodrunguide.co.uk/RaceDetails.asp?RaceID=31948 👈 HURRY, entries close Monday 1st July.

Saturday 6th July @ 9am

📢 (mini) MOB MATCH vs The Stragglers RC

It’s all about numbers (and some speed but not necessarily) so once more, we need every available Ranelagh Harrier to join in at Crane Park parkrun to take on the might of The Stragglers. The course is an out & back loop, and  it’d be great if as many of us can turn up as possible to run the 5km course & fight for our club’s honour.

Everyone is welcome to run but for it to count, you’ll need to have registered Ranelagh Harriers as your primary club with parkrun. If you haven’t already, all you have to do is sign into your parkrun profile, and under Groups in My Links, add Ranelagh Harriers as your club. Then turn up at Crane Park at 9am in your Ranelagh kit and RUN!

We also need FOUR VOLUNTEERS to help at Crane Park. Duties are varied (usually marshalling or helping at the end) and you can see the list of available roles @ https://www.parkrun.org.uk/crane/futureroster/ 👈 Volunteers are usually asked to arrive at 8.45 and can be done as early as 9.30 if marshalling on the first bend, to 10-ish if they’re at the finish.

To volunteer, please email Ben (parkrun RD) at crane@parkrun.com and/or our Fixtures Secretary, Gareth Williams ranelaghfixtures@gmail.com to let them know you’ve signed up to help out.

Saturday 13th July @ 2pm:

🏆 Elmore 7 mile

Race 5 of the Surrey Road League*. Organised by South London Harriers, entries are still open for this race on rolling quiet roads in the Chipstead area. Full details can be found @ https://www.southlondonharriers.org/Events/Calendar/View?id=799 👈 and direct entry here @ https://register.enthuse.com/ps/event/SLHElmore72024 👈

* For those slugging it out in the Surrey Road League, this year there are 7 races instead of 8, with 4 to score. Age categories are Senior, 35+, 45+, 55+ and 65+. The last 2 races for the Surrey Road League are (please wear 1st claim vests):

Tuesday 23rd July @ 6.30pm

🏃‍♀️ Henty Relay

Roll up, roll up – it’s time for our last handicap, this time a relay race for all ages & abilities.

The race comprises 6 laps of approximately 1.3 miles per lap. Teams of three runners will be selected by the handicapper, comprising a ‘fast‘, ‘medium‘ and an ‘improving‘ runner selected from those who have entered. The aim is to have teams of more or less equal overall speed. The fast runner runs three laps, the medium runner runs two laps and the improving runner completes one lap of the course. The running order is at the discretion of each team.

This event is open to all ages & all speeds. Entry is free and friends, family & guests may also enter but everyone will need to register ahead of the event. No on the day entries are allowed. Please note your 5k time (actual or estimated) is required.

Please sign up @ https://henty-relay-2024.eventbrite.co.uk 👈 by 11pm Friday 19th July. Prizes and results will be at the start/finish (eg: NOT back at the clubhouse) and after we’ll head to the Roebuck for refreshments.

If you’re not running, and can volunteer, please email Narissa Vox coordinator@ranelagh-harriers.co.uk 👈



Please note that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the clubhouse at 8.30pm on Tuesday 16th July. Please come along if you can, as a minimum of 20 members need to be present in order for it to go ahead. The proposed Constitution and Rule Book will be circulated 14 days before the AGM, by 2 July. Any questions, please email ranelagh.hon.secretary@gmail.com

🎽 SIGN UP NOW The River Relay 1st September

Organised by The Stragglers, the River Relay is a baton relay run over five stages from Boveney to Kingston-upon-Thames, finishing at the Hawker Centre. The stages range from 4.4 to 6.5 miles over friendly terrain and the event is an excellent introduction to relay racing.

A full map of the course, with details of the five stages is available here >

We’re looking for members to form 2 mixed teams of 5 runners (with at least one woman) for this year. We also need drivers, and more importantly drivers with CARS, to drive the teams around. Everyone is welcome to run and the event is suitable for all abilities. Please note that all runners must be 18 years +

Closing date for entries is 25th August so please sign up via this Google Form https://bit.ly/riverrelay2024 👈 ASAP. Any questions, please contact Hadi Khatamizadeh or email coordinator@ranelagh-harriers.co.uk and we will respond to you as soon as possible.


2024 Nonsuch Relays


AGM · 16 July 2024