AGM · 16 July 2024
Please note that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Ranelagh Clubhouse at 20:30 on Tuesday 16th July.
There are several actions that the AGM will deal with:
Review annual reports from the President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Men’s Captain, and Women’s Captain.
Review from the Honorary Treasurer the audited balance sheet and annual accounts for the prior financial year.
Elect officers of the Committee for the ensuing year.
Elect any members recommended by the Committee for the status of Life Member or Vice President.
Elect the auditor for the ensuing year.
Consider any amendment to the Constitution and Rule Book (RanelaghHarriers.Constitution.2023 v5 final.pdf) as proposed by the Committee, including changes to subscription rates.
Consider any changes to Trustees as proposed by the Committee.
Recognise any meritorious behaviour performed on behalf of the Club in the previous year (or years), granting whatever award or recognition that the President sees fit.
The Club Secretary should give at least 21 days’ notice for the AGM, and so this note is the confirmation of the time, date, and location of the next AGM.
Any proposed updates to the Constitution and Rule Book should be sent to the Club Sec 28 days before the AGM (i.e. by 18 June) who will review the proposals.
The current version is on the Ranelagh web page (RanelaghHarriers.Constitution.2023 v5 final.pdf) and I will review any reasonable proposed changes by 25 June.
The Club Secretary will circulate the proposed Constitution and Rule Book 14 days before the AGM (i.e. by 2 July 2024).
I'm happy to answer any questions via the Club Sec email address
Trevor Maguire
Ranelagh Honorary Secretary
11 June 2024