Strategy Working Groups

Thank you to everyone who responded to our club survey at the end of last year. 

So far in our club strategy process, we have hosted a focus group with representatives from our 5 Tuesday running groups, invited all members to respond to the survey, and a few weeks ago presented our findings to the larger Committee.

We’re delighted to share these findings with you now @

In general, members are pleased with our club, that you find our club welcoming, inclusive and are happy with our club's offerings. These are things we should be very proud of.

However, there is still plenty for us to think about in terms of improvements.

After listening to our membership, and taking on board the feedback, we have brought the following working groups to the Committee for approval; so that our strategy process can move forwards.

The working groups, and their focuses, are:

1️⃣ Membership: To grow & diversify our membership
2️⃣ Coaching: To broaden & strengthen our offering
3️⃣ Comms: To modernise & digitise members’ experience
4️⃣ Clubhouse: To invest in the clubhouse

We’re now at the stage where we’d like to welcome members to join one, or more, of the above groups.

If you have expertise or interest in any of the above areas of focus, please click the button below to fill in a short Google Form ⬇️

When the groups are resourced and their terms of reference agreed, we’ll get back to you with an update.

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out. We can usually be found at the clubhouse on a Tuesday evening or at Thursday's track, or via WhatsApp.

Maia, Rick & Gareth.


96th Mob vs Orion Harriers


Clutton Cup Handicap