2024/2025 Fixtures

Howdy Ranelights.

We hope you're not too down in the dumps after the end of the SPECTACULAR 2 weeks that was the 2024 Paris Olympics. There were so many OH-WOW moments of unforgettable excitement, exhilaration and thrilling competition that we've become quite spoilt - what do we do now??

Well, we're delighted to say that come 28 August, we will have the chance to revisit Paris once again as they host the Paralympics. So if you weren't inspired before, you definitely will be! And what better way to channel all this inspiration than to look ahead to our 2024/2025 fixtures?

But before we highlight our upcoming fixtures, here's a gentle reminder & a short announcement about:

💙 Last Tuesday of the Month’ social | Tuesday 27th August @ 8.15pm: ALL ARE WELCOME to our inaugural ‘Last Tuesday of the Month’ social at our clubhouse straight after training. We’re keeping it simple by stocking up our brand new fridge with drinks and ordering food as required. With an honour bar system in operation, the aim is to use our clubhouse as a space to chill, chat and to get to know friends old and new. WE'D LOVE TO SEE YOU THERE!

🍺 Arethusa Mile | Wednesday evenings until 11th September: Few more weeks left to have a bash at this free event. All you do is turn up just a bit before 7.30pm & run your guts out for 1 mile. There’s a version with alcohol and a version without. You’ve been warned: https://arethusamile.pythonanywhere.com/

🏃‍♀️ Ratchford Relay results: Our Women's Captain, Suzy Whatmough writes:

Well done everyone who came along to the Ratchford Relays on Tuesday. It was great to see you all! Here are the results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TkP-x6NsIdl3C5GVKUKnAb8DoswAN0qLizjxIx521WI/edit?usp=sharing

You were all awesome, but special mentions to the winning team of Clare Fowler, Marilyn Nelson and Beverly Walsh 👏; Inter 3's for being the best represented group. I particularly enjoyed seeing you all because it doesn't happen very often, and it's nice to have a Tuesday with a higher ratio of women to men for a change 😁; Emily Minchella for being our one and only junior, AND doing it in style with two laps and the most impressive yogi squat in our group photo 🙌; Agnes Nagy running the fastest lap of the night, with Colette Doran clocking the fastest 2-lap runner time, and Jackie Dunkley top of tables for the fastest 1-lap runner time 🥇 and Frances and Deborah for organising it, and Kelly, Phil and Paul for helping out on the night 🙏

For our 2024/2025 fixtures, please click here to go to https://ranelagh-harriers.co.uk/races/ 👈

A big shout out to our Fixtures Secretary, Gareth Williams, who has been working hard behind the scenes to gather the dates for our upcoming season. Kindly note that many of the dates are as yet provisional, as they are subject to permissions and licences.

As soon as we've received confirmation, we will update the fixtures list and let everyone know; in advance of that our utmost appreciation for your understanding should we have to change any dates at the last minute.

FYI for our own handicaps, where pre-registration is mandatory, we are moving away from Eventbrite to using Google Forms instead. We hope this will be a slighty easier & friendlier user experience as we continue working on improving our comms delivery to all members.

It's a slightly quieter start to September, but the following fixtures are available for you to enter:

🎽 River Relay Sunday 1st September: The River Relay is a baton relay run over five stages from Boveney to Kingston-upon-Thames, finishing at the Hawker Centre. The stages range from 4.4 to 6.5 miles over friendly terrain and the event is an excellent introduction to relay racing. A full map of the course, with details of the five stages is available here >

We're hoping to field 2 mixed teams of 5 runners (with at least one woman). We also need drivers, and more importantly drivers with CARS, to drive the teams around. Everyone is welcome to run, and the event is suitable for all abilities. Please note that all runners must be 18 years + Closing date for entries is 25th August so if you'd like to run, please sign up NOW @ https://bit.ly/riverrelay2024 👈 Any questions, please contact Hadi Khatamizadeh or email coordinator@ranelagh-harriers.co.uk

🏆 Thomas Cup Saturday 21st September: After a bit of faffing about with licences, we now have a 'confirmed' date for the Thomas Cup. Apologies to anyone caught out by this new date - we really hope you can make it. If you'd like to run, please fill in this Google Form https://bit.ly/Thomas-Cup 👈 by 23:59 Wednesday 18 September so that our club handicapper can do their job.

If you're not planning to run, please come anyway, not just to support (YES PLEASE WE NEED MARSHALS) but also to take part in our annual club photo @ 1pm AND to attend our BBQ/Club Social after the race. Any questions, or if you can volunteer, please email coordinator@ranelagh-harriers.co.uk

🆘 SAVE THE DATE Sunday 15 September Volunteering Opportunity: Details are being ironed out but our friends at Richmond Runfest have invited us to man an exclusive Ranelagh-themed water station for their event. As they've been SO supportive of our half marathon & 10k events, as well as our club in general, this is a fabulous opportunity to return that favour, as part of our all being one huge running community.

Location TBC but it's likely to be in the Ham area. If you can help out, or if you can help out in another locale, please email coordinator@ranelagh-harriers.co.uk


September 2024


August 2024