Xmas Party 2024

Even though Storm Darragh manage to cancel nearly every single race fixture & event in the locality, it couldn’t stop the determined Ranelagh horde that gathered at All Bar One, Richmond on 7 December 2024.

This was no ordinary fixture, this was THE event of the year; The Ranelagh Xmas Party. Mob like, the attendees swapped their lycra, hi-vis & trainers for sequins, sparkles and heels, the better to wine and dine the night away.

The vibe was festive, the mood gregarious.

There was even an improptu performance of The 12 Days of Christmas, Ranelagh style, led by Club President, Maia Rushby – which truly has to be seen to be believed >

HUGEST OF KUDOS to our fabulous Social Secretaries, Hadi Khatamizadeh and Sue Camp for their efforts in making the night a huge success, and thank you to everyone who attended!



London & Spring Marathon Training


December 2024