January 2025 Part II

Howdy Ranelights.

Hold on to your buffs everyone, it’s all go here. 3 weeks into January and SO MUCH has already happened in Ranelagh Land. Where is the time going you ask? To be honest, we have no idea either, but 2025 is proving to be a corker of a year already!

So, for updates, events & stuff to get involved with as we careen into February, read on. But before that, a message from our President, Maia Rushby:

Dear Ranelaghights – if I may call us that?

Thank you to everyone who attended our focus group back in November and to everyone who completed the survey over the festive period, it means a lot to us that you invest the time in articulating feedback that will help us to develop and nurture our amazing club.

So, the good news is that there is a clear and consistent desire from across the membership to maintain and strengthen our welcoming, community-oriented ethos whilst modernising and attracting new members. Feedback suggests that we should balance tradition with change and innovation, supporting both social and competitive runners, and fostering a vibrant, inclusive community.

And the even better news is that there is huge appetite for positive changes and innovations at the club over the medium term – including attracting younger runners, and having a wider training offer – which will be balanced with reinforcing our heritage.

Please rest assured that we are listening. We are facilitating a dedicated workshop with the Committee on Tuesday 28 Jan to solicit their valuable input on values and our mission statements, which will inform the working groups going forward. Thanks to everyone who expressed an interest in supporting us – we’ll be in touch!

We’ll send an update on the workstreams and our ambitions in February, and we look forward to seeing you at our AGM (probably July) where we’ll look to ratify our values, vision and share an update on progress towards our mission.

Exciting times, thanks for being a part of it.

Thanks, Maia

1. SIGN UP ⬇️

▪️ Page Cup Handicap | Saturday 1 Feb @ 2pm | Richmond Park: Our 2nd cross-country handicap fixture, 5 miles / 8km around lovely Richmond Park. Open to all club members, entry is free but please FILL IN THIS FORM @ https://bit.ly/page2025 ⬅️ by 23:59 on Wednesday 29 January.

Full details @ https://ranelagh-harriers.co.uk/page-2025/ ⬅️


Tuesday 4 Feb @ 8.15pm: It’s Pasta Night at the Ranelagh clubhouse. Food options & costs to be confirmed very soon but ALL ARE WELCOME to join in straight after training, to chill, eat, drink and chat with friends old and new. See you there!


You can find the full list of our 2024/2025 fixtures @ https://ranelagh-harriers.co.uk/fixtures-2024-2025/ ⬅️

🏔️ SEAA XC Champs | Saturday 25 Jan @ 12pm | Beckenham Place Park: Entries closed really early for this one but supporters are greatly appreciated if you’d like to cheer our teams on.

🏔️ Surrey XC League #4 | Saturday 8 Feb @ 12pm | Women @ Epsom Downs | Men @ Lloyd Park: Final call to represent our club in the last match of this season’s Surrey League, 8km for both men and women at two separate venues. If you haven’t had the chance yet, don’t delay – sign up on Teamer for guaranteed mud, cakes & camaraderie. If you’re planning to run, please do consider supporting our teams at either venue. It is, as always, greatly appreciated.

🏔️ 🏔️ English National XC Champs | Saturday 22 Feb @ Parliament Hill: Back to that hill again, and the holy grail of cross-country venues that is Parliament Hill. We were last there for the SEAA London XC Champs, and it was as challenging as expected. And now we get to do all again. If you like mud, then you really don’t want to miss this. It is also one of the best places for supporting/spectating so if you don’t fancy running, please come along anyway to cheer our runners on. Entries via Teamer or contact your Captains.


South Downs Way 100 miles Relay | Saturday 7 June

Yup, you read that right; 100 miles. Admittedly half the distance club members Sally Minchella and Bruce McLaren have (separately) conquered but it’s still pretty epic. Good news is you’ll be running in a team; or more to the point, in one of TWO teams of 6 athletes each.

There will be a dedicated post soon with further details & sign up, but in short, the event sees teams running the length of the South Downs (East to West) in 18 legs of between 4 – 9 miles (3 legs per runner). We’re looking for 12 runners, plus some drivers.

All in all, a brilliant day out running with friends through stunning scenery. Come on, you know you want to. And if you do, simply save the date for now, and more info will follow.


Just the one since our last post, to cover the Mob Match vs South London Harriers on 18 January. A fabulous turnout by both clubs and a resounding win for Ranelagh (1061 against SLH’s 1814). Full report & results @ https://ranelagh-harriers.co.uk/2025-slh-mob/ ⬅️

Our next mob match will be on 1 March in Richmond Park, against the mighty Orion Harriers. If you haven’t participated in a mob match yet, be ‘inspired’ by Inter 2’s Emma de Heveningham, who had this to say after the SLH mob:

With a field this size it can be a lonely place near the back, as the front runners race off and the middle of the pack stretches out into the distance. A few people walking in the park smiled and wished me luck, but it was the marshals with their encouraging shout-outs who provided the most important support. Depending on where they were, runners responded with varying levels of good humour. Midway up the incline behind the Ballet School, I suspect Richard Willoughby didn’t get many smiles in return. A two-lap course takes its toll psychologically, as the finish line approaches for the first time, but you have to push past and do it all again. Near the back, wondering if your run will score anyway, it’s tempting to give up. Thanks to the ‘hilarious’ clipboard-wielding volunteer (you know who you are) who told me there were ‘only two laps to go!’ at this point. 

By the time I reached the finish the crowd had dispersed, heading back to the clubhouse to warm up. As I slithered my way down the muddy slope towards Petersham, panic set in. What if they’d run out of cake? But, of course, this would never happen with Carol and Clive in charge of catering. What must surely be south-west London’s largest teapot did us proud once again. Perhaps the only thing, other than the descending mist, to put a dampener on the post-race spirits, was the sinking realisation that we’ll have to run this exact same route again and again as the season continues. 


You’ve got this!

With the cold nights, it’s easy to feel un-motivated but everyone knows that running in company is WAY better than doing it on your own. So don’t miss out on our friendly group training sessions; Tuesdays at the clubhouse and Thursdays at Osterley track.

For Tuesday’s session, please meet at our clubhouse for approx. 7pm; and for Thursday’s track, please meet at Osterley Park track for 7.30pm. Please always remember to stay safe & visible, ideally with lights or a head torch and reflective/hi-vis clothing.

A reminder that our marathon-focused sessions, which runs alongside our usual group training offering, is free for all members. Simply join the group suitable to your pace & experience:

• Advanced 1 & 2: Led by Simon Martin
• Intermediate 1 & 2: Led by Maia Rushby
• Intermediate 3: Led by Deborah Blakemore
• Inters training programme (Jan 2025) > ⬅️
• PDF: Spring Marathon Training Programme ⬅️


Update from the Kit Committee

The initial order for free kit or subsidised elite vests has been placed. We hope to take delivery soon, so watch this space for more news. There will also be a selection of the other pieces of kit in various sizes, which you can try on before you buy, either at or shortly after the kit launch date. Thanks for your patience!

8. Save & Win

An *extra reason* to secure your Early Bird entry to the Ranelagh Half Marathon.

As sponsor of the Ranelagh Half, James Riley of Run Unbound is offering a FREE 12-week coaching plan for one lucky Early Bird entrant. The winner will benefit from a detailed plan, regularly reviewed and adapted, plus ongoing support and accountability, to ensure you’re on track to meet your goals.

So for the chance to win dedicated coaching time to boost your running, ENTER NOW. Only 9 days before early bird pricing ends on 31 January for the Ranelagh Half. Don’t miss out on your chance to save & win @ https://bit.ly/ranelaghhalf ⬅️

We have also officially launched the Ranelagh 10k (22 June @ 9am); early bird prices are a very reasonable £20 per entry. Head to https://bit.ly/ranelagh10k ⬅️ to enter.


Give Episode 11 of Season 4 of our favourite podcast, RunAlive, a go.

Be inspired by Steph Kessell, mother, Olympic athlete and coach, who reminds us, ‘There’s more to life than just an outcome or a number or a result. We train so hard with our running, like we do with work or other aspects of our life. It’s not just about the end result. You’ve ultimately got to enjoy the process and the day-to-day of it and everything around it. Otherwise, what’s really the point?

🎙️ https://www.runalive.co.uk/episodes/stephk ⬅️

Join host Ed Perry as Steph shares her incredible journey from a corporate career to elite athletics, and now to motherhood. She also offers invaluable insights into tailoring training to individual needs, the importance of rest, and how to build sustainable habits; emphasing the value of enjoying the process rather than fixating on results.

1️⃣ Details @ www.runalive.co.uk ⬅️
2️⃣ Subscribe @ https://open.spotify.com/show/2sVes1jFMwSvFe8SfI5Sj0 ⬅️ or wherever you get your podcasts from.
3️⃣ Join @ https://strava.app.link/ocOMIV5y5Fb ⬅️
3️⃣ Join @ https://strava.app.link/ocOMIV5y5Fb ⬅️



Our friends at Runfest are hoping we can help them out by volunteering at their events; the first being at the Hampton Court Half, Sunday 16 February. Runfest have been super supportive of our own events, both by volunteering and generously donating water, snacks & goody bag items; as well as promoting our club to the wider running community.

So it’d be great if we could help them out. To volunteer your time, please fill in the online sign up form @ https://in.njuko.com/volunteers-20251723623743006?currentPage=form_individual-form ⬅️ You’ll be able to volunteer not just for the Hampton Court Half, but their other events too including Kingston Break-fest Run (9 March), Kew The Run (29 March) and much more.

And just in case you needed a carrot, it’s worth mentioning that if you volunteer this year, you can get a free entry in their events next year.


Your running or running related celebrations & achievements in our ‘General Club Chat’ group. Please join via WhatsApp Community or this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Jyn19UwOCk7BoVRBqBPnW6 ⬅️ We love seeing what you get up to!


South Downs Way Relay


2025 Mob Vs South London Harriers