2024 Page Cup

In the wonderfully informative read that is ‘The First 125 Years of Ranelagh Harriers 1881 – 2006‘ by Ron Dassett Callis & Steve Rowland, there is a glancing mention of the origins of the Page Cup, when it was awarded for the Five Miles Members’ Handicap on 19 January 1884:

Ranelagh now acquired another trophy, a handsome silver cup presented by W.C. Page, who was mine host at the Fox and Hounds at Putney where the Club held their teas and smoking concert.

Whether awarded as a superb marketing gesture from said publican, in return for frequency of visiting, one can only surmise. But a bit of research shows that the Fox and Hounds was a 15 min walk downhill from The Green Man, the original Ranelagh HQ before the move to Petersham & Richmond Park 54 years later.

And a bit more research shows that a ‘smoking concert‘ was a Victorian term for live performances, usually of music, before an audience of men only, where they would smoke and speak of politics while listening to live music.

In short, our Ranelagh ‘ancestors’ did their running from one place, and thereafter went to play at another place (eg the pub). Clearly not much has changed in that aspect since 1881. Sadly, the original cup was stolen, along with others, in 1976. The current Page Cup was purchased with the insurance money, engraved with the names of all past winners, and is the cup we currently vie for year on year.

And while one doubts that publicans in this modern age could be moved to present a silver trophy to a group of runners frequenting their establishment on a regular basis, perhaps it could be something for the current committee to consider requesting as part of future club strategy.

Usually held earlier on in the season, 2024’s Page Cup was kicked into 2025 by a combination of scheduling and licencing issues. But better late than never as they say; and so it was on an overcast February afternoon, a rabble of Ranelaghs gathered to run the 5 mile route.

As commented by Race Director Andy Bickerstaff, whilst some were ‘fleet of foot’, others were more ‘shiny of head’, such was the diversity of the field present.

34 had signed up but due to one thing or another, there were some drop outs. The club handicapper being one of them; which was probably just as well given the raised eyebrows and pithy comments from the slightly smaller field of 24 finishers.

Neil Rae repeating his usual tactic of returning time and again, in the vain hope that the times printed on paper would miraculously change. Trevor Maguire in danger of being accused of ‘intimidating’ starters by chatting incessantly at the start/finish area.

The course was soapy and boggy in places, dry and hard in others, and defiantly underwater in one or two points. In short, perfect cross country conditions.

First to be set off from the manhole was Duncan Brown, who set out strongly. 22 runners later, scratch Jackson Creegan, in his brand spanking new spikes, gave chase to Marc Leyshon and Jonathan Smith. The timekeepers settled down for a bit of a cold wait.

Handicaps being what they are, it was hard to predict but as with all things Ranelagh, all would be made clear in due course. And so it was; to a huge cheer from all waiting at the finish line, Duncan Brown came doggedly round the bend; would he be first to start and also first to finish?

But lo, some seconds later – an eternity it seemed – came the form of Jonny Smith; running strong and hard. He eyed Duncan in the distance and gave chase, looking for that extra gear. Duncan could do nothing more but to keep moving forwards as best as he could; a nasty bramble graze on his left knee.

Jonny gave all that he had but with less than 50 metres to go, he simply ran out of road, and it was Duncan who held on to cross the line and take home the Page Cup. A well deserved win indeed.

Third across the line Marc Leyshon, followed closely by Edel McKeever, in 4th place and 1st lady. Proving the naysayers wrong, the remaining field came in swiftly thereafter; testament to the skill of our club’s handicapper, who did turn up for the finish, ostensibly to witness his handwork perhaps?

The fastest 3 ladies were Lucy Urbas (35:19), Edel McKeever (35:56) and Clare Fowler (36:08), whilst the fastest open were Jonathan Smith (28:34), Jackson Creegan (28:36) and Marc Leyshon (29:01). Well done to all the runners who participated.

Straight after, everyone trooped back to the clubhouse for a much needed tea, the results & prize-giving. A huge thank you as always to all the marshals and volunteers for their help in making the event a success. 

We end with a lovely course report from Mark Herbert:

As internal club races go, the Page Cup is a longer one lapper on our club’s XC fixture list. Given the rain throughout the week it made for tricky conditions, and spikes edged trails for this race. Bruce did a fine job handicapping, as each runner were set off one after another. It’s always a fast start down Queens Ride, and the first signs of mud came as we ran through the woodland towards to the first road crossing.

I started to pick off the first runners around the back of Spankers Hill Wood, but down towards the Pen Pond’s bit, I was myself a sitting duck for the fast approaching Jonathan Smith and Marc Leyshon. Turning away from the ponds, Jonny runs past on to an impressive 2nd place overall, Marc shortly after chasing him.

Conditions stayed fairly dry until we crossed Middle Road and reached Aoife’s marshall point. Big puddles and slippery mud slowed the pace for the runners as we headed towards the thatched cottage. It’s then one big slog back into the finish, running just behind Sidmouth Woods, with lots of competitive racing amongst one another. It’s always a joy to run XC with friendly faces cheers and guiding the way at marshall spots.

After the lung busting climb at the start of Sidmouth Wood, conditions were good and it was back to hard/firm ground. Trying to lift the pace to gain more places, you soon find yourself at the corner and staring down the finish line. Lifting the pace once again, you see yourself home.

Some of the wettest conditions in the park but we love a bit of mud. Thank you to Narissa, Andy, Pete and the team of marshals who make it possible to enjoy racing around our beautiful Richmond park.

Race report by Narissa Vox
📸 by Stephen Hird and Cecily Day


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