Membership Survey

Over the festive season…

… members were invited to complete a survey, to help the club’s Committee understand how to make our club thrive.

More than 120 members responded, so a massive thank you to everyone who took the time to do so.

These results are helping us to understand how you feel about your club, what our club does well, what we could do better, and where would you like us to focus club resources and energies in 2025 and beyond.

Your feedback, alongside other committee initiatives to understand members’ needs will help us shape the longer-term vision for our club and guide future decisions.

We’ve had responses and great ideas from across the wide spread of our membership, including from:

1️⃣ all training groups; primarily 45% from Inters 1 and 2
2️⃣ all ages; over 80% from members aged between 35 – 64 years, and
3️⃣ people who’ve joined recently; 36% who’ve joined within in the last few years, as well as those who’ve been members for longer.

The good news is almost everyone is happy with our club and where we are now, but we acknowledge that there is also huge scope for improvements and development in the coming years.

We’re analysing the results in detail, and combining them with the ideas generated at the in-depth discussion groups held back in November. At the end of January, the committee will meet to discuss the findings and a priority action plan will be shared with you soon afterwards.

We’ll also be reaching out to those who expressed interest in helping us at a practical level, while continuing to explore better ways to understand members needs and views, as well as involve members more regularly in the running of our club.

Thank you again for your time, passion and support for our brilliant club.

Maia and the Committee


January 2025


Mob Vs South London Harriers